Peace of Music's
Here you can pick the exquisite choral-music of your choice from Peace of Music and Anders Nyberg's production!

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Ute blåser sommarvind
Ute blåser sommarvind
Ute blåser sommarvind,
göken gal i högan lind.
Mor hon går på grönan äng,
bäddar barnet blomstersäng,
strör långa rader
utav ros och blader.
Ängen står så gul och grön,
solen stänker guld i sjön,
bäcken rinner tyst och sval
mellan viden, asp och al.
Bror bygger dammar
åt sin såg och hammar.
Syster sopar stugan re'n,
sätter löv i taket se'n.
Uppå golvet skall hon så
liljor och konvaljer små,
rosor så rara:
där skall barnet vara.
Lyrics: Samuel Johan Hedborn
Music: Alice Tegnér
Arrangement: Anders Nyberg
A favourite song of my childhood was revisited and returned as a quite mature choral arrangement.
This piece demands to be executed appropriately a very mature ensemble with great range and depth but to be executed excellently it needs also the child's curiosity for the beauty and innocence of the the miracles around us.
So in other words, a quite demanding piece, but if you got what it takes the rewards for yourselves and the audience are fulfilling.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com