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This day I choose to spend in perfect peace SATB + descant

Product Details

This day I choose to spend in perfect peace

This day I choose to spend in perfect peace.

And so my Father would I pass this day with you.
Your Son has not forgotten You.
The Peace You gave him still is in his mind,
and it is there I choose to spend today.

Lyrics: From "A Course in Miracles", Lesson 255

Music: Anders Nyberg

"This day I choose to spend in perfect peace."

Who am I to decide that I will have peace today? In a world of turmoil, a sea of constant change and capriciousness?

Well, who would decide, if not me? This song is there to help us understand that we are the captain's of our own vessels, we are the ones to steer our lives towards perfect peace.

Simple as this song is, it takes some practice to master it.

The song is also available in a Swedish version; Detta Àr dagen dÄ jag vÀljer frid

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This day I choose to spend in perfect peace SATB + descant

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