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Singabahambayo - On earth an army is marching
Singabahambayo - On Earth an army is marching.
Singabahambayo thina
kulumhlaba kepha siyekhaya ezulwini.
Sithi Halleluya!
On earth an army is marching we're going home,
our longing bears a song, so sing out strong!
Sithi halleluya.
With love our hearts are ablazing for those who roam
and wander far away, though longing home.
Sithi halleluya.
Each day our friendship is growing and with all speed
we share our wine and bread, a hasty meal.
Sithi halleluya."
This song is marching on. Unstoppably.
As is the victory of this army. The joy of the poor. The liberation of the oppressed.
Join the chorus. Be a part of the solution and the fun.
Sithi: Halleluya!
The song is also available in Swedish.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com