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Ovan där - I paradiset
Ovan där - I paradiset
"Ipharadisi" belongs to the "amakwaya" genre of South Africa; short, repetitive and catchy choruses often sung á capella in churches and schools. The rhythm is distinctly African, but the tonality and scales are influenced by the Western music. Sometimes you can - as in this case - guess what Western hymn or song it stems from. Here, C.A. Tindley's "We will understand it better by and by" seem to be the origin.
In this arrangement we sing both versions together, which adds still another dimension to the beautiful and complex dance between the European and African continents that the amakwaya songs have made. We'll understand it better by and by.
In Zulu "ph" is pronounce like "p" in paradise.
You will find the simpler and original version of Ipharadisi here!
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