Peace of Music's
Here you can pick the exquisite choral-music of your choice from Peace of Music and Anders Nyberg's production!

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1. Så trött av resan, var tar den slut?
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2. Men vägen väntar, ödmjukt den bär
och kysser ömt min trötta fot.
Jag vaknar, anar, den målet är
och kraft till vandring är den lön jag tar emot.
Lyrics and Music: Trad., Anders Nyberg
With this simple nursery rhyme, dressed up in a strident jazz outfit, you can walk far and wide. If you have access to a good jazz-pianist who knows his walking bass-line to accompany you, you have lovely company and a song to share on the road with all ages and all times.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com