Peace of Music's
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Kan du se (Hoppets sång)
Kan du se (Hoppets sång)
Kan du se att natten börjar ljusna,
att solen finns där bakom bergen,
att hoppet som vi har, är en sanndröm?
Kan du känna strålarna som värmer,
att de smälter allt det frusna,
att de ger jorden liv, och fyller våra kroppar med kärlek?
Kan du höra hur det sjunger,
att sången alltid levat
och lever nånstans inom oss alla
som ett frö gömt i jorden?
Vi är nära, vi är i varandra,
vi är havet, vinden, himlen och jorden
Vi kan börja gå på vägen,
vi är inte längre vilsna
Vi vet riktningen,
vi är nära...
Lyrics and Music: Åke Edvinsson
Arrangement: Anders Nyberg
Can you see that the night is dawning,
that the sun is there behind the mountians,
that the hope we share, is a dream come true?
Can you feel that the rays are warming,
that they melt all the frozen,
that they give life to the earth
and fill our bodies with love?
Can you hear the singing,
that the song has always been alive,
and lives somewhere within us all
like a seed hidden in the earth?
We are near, we are in each other,
we are the sea, the wind, the sky and the earth.
We can start to walk on the road,
we are no longer lost.
We know the direction,
we are close...
I know this song has meant a lot for many people in need. It brings us to a place within reach, to that almost-there-feeling, where hope feels more than just beautiful words or a beautiful melody. Close, i f not altogether there yet. But still e xperienced, as we draw it near.The first time I heard the song was in Åke's teenage room, an early spring morning as the sun was breaking. We had sat up all night talking, Åke had come out of a bit of a rough patch, finally breaking into this gem of a song.
As the sun rose, he took down the guitar hanging on the wall and started singing; Kan du se att natten börjar ljusna? - Can you see the night is dawning?
"Hope is the bird that sings in the morning, while it still is dark"
Images courtesy of Pexels.com