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Here you can pick the exquisite choral-music of your choice from Peace of Music and Anders Nyberg's production!  


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Inga rikedomar har jag haft SATB + solo

Product Details

Inga rikedomar har jag haft

Inga rikedomar har jag haft,
å inga rikedomar ärvat.
Men Gud han giver mig mitt dageliga bröd,
himmelriket en gång när jag dör.
Då har jag rikedom förvärvat.

I have had no riches,
I have inherited nothing.
But God gives me my daily bread,
and the kingdom of Heaven once when I die.
Then I have inherited riches.

Lyrics and Music: In the tradition of Lejsme Per, Malung, Sweden

Arrangement: Anders Nyberg

A song from the Malung-tradition ascribed to Lejsme Per, the masterfiddler from RIhimäki in Malungs "Finnforest". It is a vis-polska, i.e. a song in a rhythmic 3/4-time suitable for dancing the polska.

The arrangement, based on an improvisation by the songgroup Fjedur from their first album, is a bit more elaborated for SATB á capella with a solo and a key change. You find the simpler and original version here.

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Inga rikedomar har jag haft SATB + solo

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