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Himlar anamma
Himlar anamma!
- Himlar anamma!
Vad var det som h ä nde?
- Undrar detsamma,
men jag vet vad jag k ä nde;
som om all gl ä dje, all sk ö nhet, ja som om...
ä nglarna anl ä nde!
- Ä nglarna anl ä nde??
Men det var ju s å verkligt!
Mycket mer verkligt
ä n m ä nniskor, m ä rkligt!
- K ä nde ni ocks å som ljuset och s å ngen
fanns liksom inom en?
- Visst, vilken underbar grej!
- Vilket otroligt ljud!
- Som att m ö ta det b ä sta i mig!
- Som att m ö ta... Gud!
- Allting blev ett och det enda blev allting;
en lek uti ä ngla-ring!
- Vi borde ber ä tta det h ä r!
- Alla m å ste f å veta!
- Men vem skulle tro p å det d ä r?
Kanske Hans och Greta?
- Klangen av s å ngen och virvlande vingar
tvivlen betvingar.
- Dr ö mmare, fyllesvin
kommer vi att kallas!
D å rar och h å r av hin!
Allas spef å glar, allas!
Men vem kommer folk att tro att vi tror vi ä r?
Jesus eller Sankt Per!
- Himlarnas ä nglah ä r
kom till oss just f ö r vi tror
att vi ä r dom vi ä r;
helt vanliga m ä nniskor.
Nu vill vi vara som ä nglast ä mmor klara
och ge r ö st å t orden som f ö rvandlar jorden:
Ä ran till Gud uti h ö jden!
Freden p å jorden och fr ö jden!
Ä ra vare Gud i h ö jden
och p å jorden friden, fr ö jden!
Till dig all ä ra, v å r Skapare k ä ra
Till oss all friden.
Lyrics: Anders Nyberg
Music: Choral from Älvdalen Sweden, O Fader Wise / Anders Nyberg
Unlike the rest of the lyrics from "Himmelen Inom", this text doesn't have an archaic feel, or sound like an old hymn.
It's the other way around, it's a dialogue with very everyday language, if not slang.
It had to be.
I was trying to describe my own personal encounter with what I most aptly would call angels. And all traditional religious metaphors would again return such an experience to the realms the angels occupied in my childhood, on small blue and pink clouds in the sky of my scrapbook.
But this was different. Now they were here, very present and real and I had to find a suitable language for it. Very "street". It was one of the last lyrics to come for the songs of "Himmelen Inom - Heaven within", it was such a conscious break of style to the rest.
The male voices of the quartet represent our rational side. Oh how necessary to give this dialogue a spine and a forward motion! The soprano and alto represent the intuitive side, the faith. And in the end they do get the last word in trying to explain what they have encountered. Faith always precedes perception. You can't really see it if you don't believe it.
I guess you could see it as well as a dialogue between shepherds and wise men after they've heard the angelic voices/seen the light. Maybe with the exception that the wise men in this song (of today?) still seem a bit "confused, but on a higher level". You can't blame them/us can you? They are grappling with questions of specialness and other peoples perceptions. But the girls get the last say:
"The heavenly host of angels came to us just because we believe we are the one's we are: just ordinary people!
And with that they all joined the Glory!
Here follows a literal English translation:
- Oh my heavens!
What happened?
- I wonder the same, but I know what I felt:
As if all joy, all beauty, yes as if...
the angels arrived!
- The angels arrived??
But it was so real!
A lot more real than people...strange!
- Did you also feel as if the light and the singing
kind of came from within?
- Sure, what a wonderful thing!
- What a fabulous sound!
- Like meeting the best part of me!
- Like meeting...
- Everything became one and the one became everything:
A play in a circle of angels!
- We should share this!
- Everyone ought to know!
- But who would believe this?
Maybe Hansel and Gretel...
- The reverberation of the singing and the whirling wings
dismisses the doubts.
- Dreamers, drunkards we will be called!
Idiots and Sons of Satan,
everyone's laughingstock, everyone's!
But who will people think that we think we are?
Jesus or Saint Peter?
- The heavenly host came to us
just because we think we are the ones we are:
totally ordinary people!
Now we want to be clear as angel voices
and give a voice to the words
that transform the world:
- Glory to God in the highest!
The peace to the earth - and the joy!
Glory to God in the highest!
And on earth peace and joy!
To You all glory, dear Creator.
To us, all the peace.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com