Peace of Music's
Here you can pick the exquisite choral-music of your choice from Peace of Music and Anders Nyberg's production!

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You can search the store, have a sneak view of the score, read the lyrics, listen to a recording and learn about the song. Then you choose how many copies you need and proceed to the checkout.
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Freedom and Peace!
Freedom and Peace!
You cannot destroy our dream.
You can’t silence our song,
You cannot destroy our dream.
You can’t lock up our love,
You cannot destroy our dream.
Frihet och fred!
En dröm kan ej krossas så!
Ty vår sång är en dröm,
en dröm kan ej krossas så!
Och vår sång bär en dröm,
en dröm kan ej krossas så!
Music. Trad. South Africa
Lyrics: Anders Nyberg, Jonas Jonson
Arrangement: Anders Nyberg, Kaarle Mannila
Another song with roots in South Africa's liberation that has gotten a makeover in the North and made more universal. A beautiful vamp by Kaarle Mannila, the Finnish multi-musician, has been added and made it more contemporary and fun.
The pace is furiously fast, and it can be a bit hard to get the feel by reading from the score alone. Best way of course to learn it is to pick it up from a recording with the score handy.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com