Peace of Music's
Here you can pick the exquisite choral-music of your choice from Peace of Music and Anders Nyberg's production!

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You can search the store, have a sneak view of the score, read the lyrics, listen to a recording and learn about the song. Then you choose how many copies you need and proceed to the checkout.
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Det finns ingenting att frukta
Det finns ingenting att frukta.
Det är hela sanningen.
Vill jag ej tro detta faktum
kommer rädslan snart igen.
Vill jag leva med min rädsla?
Lita då på egen kraft!
Om jag rädslan min vill städsla
ger jag all tro till Guds makt.
I det ögonblick jag låter
Gud få vara styrkan min
finns där, och jag säger åter,
av min fruktan, ingenting.
A literary, non-singable English translation:
There is nothing to fear.
That's the whole truth.
If you do not want to believe this fact,
fear will return soon.
Do I want to live with my fear?
Then, trust your own power!
If I want to put my fear to good use
I give all my faith to God's power.
In the moment I let
God be my strength
there is, and I repeat,
nothing left of my fear.
Music and lyrics: Anders Nyberg
Arrangement: Anders Nyberg
A very powerful song, in its simplicity. "There is nothing to fear!" is a bold statement any day and especially these days when we are bombarded with things to fear.
But, and I repeat, it is a song of truth.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com