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Denna Jorden
Denna jorden
(Danse ikke gråte nå)
Denna jorden ska ge dig mat
Sakta dansen trå
Dansa inte gråta så
Denna jorden ska ge dig mat
Denna jäntan ska fö ditt barn
Sakta dansen trå
Dansa inte gråta så
Denna jäntan ska fö ditt barn
Jorden är gjord ett mirakel!
Jorden är gjord en miraklernas mylla!
Vår jord, vi trampar den än
Men snart vi vilar i den
Och när vi vilat min vän
Vi stiger uppåt igen
Jäntan är gjord en miraklernas mylla!
Denna jorden ska bli din grav
Sakta dansen trå
Dansa inte gråta så
Denna jorden ska bli din grav
Denna jorden ska bli min grav
Sakta dansen trå
Dansa inte gråta så
Denna jorden ska bli min grav
A lovely Norwegian song telling the story of the earth as our mother and our grave frames a fast middle section infused with rhythms and harmonies from the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
The scale of the Norwegian song is a mixolydian scale in A and the South African is a hexatonic scale in G, based on the notes of the major triads of G and A, typical of the musical bow, the "mhrube”, of the area. The two scales share enough notes to be able to easily communicate with each other.
Just as in the other song of the north included in Kvintessens, "Lyft jorden", the middle section introduces a contrasting theme from another part of the world. This is deliberate. Music has always had this way of wanting to integrate “the other”, thus showing the rest of society the way. The most “traditional” Swedish national dances are all well-adapted immigrants; the polska, (Poland) the schottis, (Scotland) the hambo (Hamburg) to name but a few.
Tips for rehearsal and performance:
This song looks hard – on paper… And it is if you try to sing it from the paper. But the fast middle section consists basically of two patterns, with slight alterations lyricly. It becomes even easier if you allow for some freedom within that form. Instead of doing the song exactly as written give the conductor freedom to build it. What is important to hold on to is the grand dynamic arch, from piano to fortissimo and back again. But within that form feel free to build it the way you feel fitting, communicating directly with the choir and soloist when to change pattern. That makes the score even more redundant. And the music even more free.
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