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Bonnie George Campbell

Product Details

Bonnie George Campbell

High upon Highlands,and laigh upon Tay.
Bonnie George Campbellrode out on a day.
He saddled, he bridled,and gallant rode he.
And hame cam his guid horse,but never cam he.

Out cam his mother dear,greeting fu sair.
Out cam his bonnie bryde,riving her hair.
"The meadow lies green,and the corn is unshorn.
But Bonnie George Campbellwill never return."

Saddled and bridledand booted rode he,
A plume in his helmet,a sword at his knee.
But toom cam his saddleall bloody to see.
Oh, hame cam his guid horse,but never cam he.

Lyrics and Music: Scottish Trad.

Arrangement: Anders Nyberg

This is a beautiful Scottish ballad, but you can find songs with similar lyrics from many cultures: a song of mourning when the loved one goes to war. In this version the horse finds his way back home - with an empty and bloody saddle.

Try to make the syncopated rhythms in the B1, A, and S2 very rhythmical without getting stiff or forced. The accompaniment resembles a lute struck gently from the lowest string to the highest, let the different parts feel rhythmically connected and part of a bigger whole.

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Bonnie George Campbell

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