Peace of Music's
Here you can pick the exquisite choral-music of your choice from Peace of Music and Anders Nyberg's production!

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You can search the store, have a sneak view of the score, read the lyrics, listen to a recording and learn about the song. Then you choose how many copies you need and proceed to the checkout.
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5-10: 25%
11-25: 40%,
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Bamthatha, bambeka eIsland
wasuka wakhala wathi Amandla
Han fängslas förs till Robben Island
Vi ska inte sörja: Makten åt folket!
Han friges, förs från Victor Verster.
Vi som sått med tårar skördar nu med jubel!
He's locked, sent to Robben Island
We shall never sorrow - Power to the people!
He's set free! Walks out from the prison!
We who sowed with tears are harvesting in triumph!
A beautiful lullaby-like song from South Africa that, set with new lyrics, has been used as a protest song in the struggle for human rights in general and for the release of Nelson Mandela in particular. In this latest version the song has again been updated as we are now rejoicing over his release.
The song is set for SATB but works fine as SAT, SAA or SAAB.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com